When you want to win a race or transform your physique, slow and steady won’t do the trick. Yes, even-paced sessions on the elliptical or treadmill can strengthen your heart and help you let off steam, but those workouts won’t necessarily make it easier
to zip up your skinny jeans or crush the competition at your next five kay.
While the logic behind “the more kilometres I log, the more weight I’ll lose or the faster I’ll get” may seem sound, there’s a sneaky loophole most people don’t consider. Your body is a master adapter. When it gets used to a routine, it becomes more efficient, so it uses less energy.
to zip up your skinny jeans or crush the competition at your next five kay.
While the logic behind “the more kilometres I log, the more weight I’ll lose or the faster I’ll get” may seem sound, there’s a sneaky loophole most people don’t consider. Your body is a master adapter. When it gets used to a routine, it becomes more efficient, so it uses less energy.